We had a great week in the Jungle last week. See below for a few highlights...
We are in the middle of a unit on magnetism and electricity. To begin, we experimented with various materials to find out which were attracted to our magnets. This group of scientists are hard at work testing their materials.
We began math stations this week. Math stations usually meet twice per week. These students are working on a partner number writing station.
More math stations...these boys are practicing division facts on a math fact app. The kids love using our classroom iPads every chance they get!
We spent part of our library time going on a scavenger hunt! The students learned so much about where various genres of books are located.
The 4th grade received their new Bibles, so Father John blessed them for us during mass on Friday.
We had so much fun using QR readers to complete two place value activities this week.
Lit Circles began this week. We introduced our novels by watching book trailers on our iPads. The kids are excited about their books!