The Daily 5 language arts stations are up and running in the Jungle! My goal is to allow time for the kids to visit 2-3 stations 3 days per week this year. They are enjoying the flexibility and collaborative aspect that these learning centers bring to the classroom setting. I snapped a few pics of the kids working this morning.
These students are playing a word study concentration game in our Working with Words station.
The Read to Self station allows for independent reading time. Normally, this time is devoted to self-selected novels.
This group is listening to the novel, Hoot, in our Listen to Reading station.
These students are playing a partner inferencing game focusing on the comprehension strategy. In addition to the five stations, I also incorporate a 6th station that is focused on the strategy we are learning.
This students is busy creating her heart map in our Working on Writing station.
Our Read to Someone station allows for the kids to read with a partner.